Grief Sucks - Life After Loss Artwork

Grief Sucks - Life After Loss

Grief sucks! Let's talk about all the things people don't talk about when losing someone. Grief doesn't only come in death.  You can grieve a friendship that you no longer have. Or a relationship that no longer exists.   We often do not hear people talk about the unfiltered, raw emotions and thoughts that come with grief.  

Did you hear a song today and bust out in tears? Did you see a picture and get pissed off? Did you cry for two seconds today and then you were okay? Have you lost your shit in the grocery store because suddenly grief took over? Are you scared that every little thing would kill you after the sudden loss of someone close to you? Do you feel like the people who was once close to you are no longer there?

LET'S TALK ABOUT ALL OF THIS!!! It's normal. Someone recently told me, grief is healing. I never thought about it this way. It makes sense, so let's heal together through stories, tears, laughter and the raw truth.

I am Linda Carter. I am a widow without a filter. 2021 brought a ton of loss and heartache to my family.  We lost my husband and mother-in-law in the same day. That day happened to be my 40th birthday.  The loss didn't stop there, we had more deaths, friendships changed, relationships changed, some people disappeared, and some showed up. It was crazy. My hope is that this podcast will help people tell their stories and help others heal or just simply know that you are not crazy. This is real shit and yes, it is happening to you. However, you will get through it. 

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